Loreto Calendar & Upcoming Events
Enjoy your stay in Loreto with the events that coincide with your visit, our calendar contains the list of cultural, sports and family events. Check the calendar to see what’s happening in Loreto. This Loreto calendar helps you to know the most relevant activities of the moment and of the whole year.
Check back soon: We update this calendar continuously for months throughout the year. So keep checking back.
Disclaimer: According to our investigation, all of these dates are correct. However, pre-season and mid-season changes have been known, so we cannot accept any responsibility for changes in each event.
Traditional Events
In our following list you can know the festivals and events that take place every year in a traditional way.
1 – 3 December: The traditional festivities of San Javier
One of the most popular and long-awaited of the year. The celebration takes place in the town of San Javier within the Sierra la Giganta. there are activities during the day and night.
During the day you can enjoy sports activities, horseback riding, horse racing, roosters, sale of crafts and food from the region.
During the night there are more activities, a religious and cultural program, popular dances, and also the presentation of some famous Mexican regional music artist to dance for hours.
It is recommended to travel by paid transport because there is not enough parking for all the visitors and the cars are on the road far from the town. It’s also very cold, so you should dress warn. Do you want to know more about San Javier?