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Loreto Will Host Th Grand Final Of The Fishing In The Five Series

Explore Loreto > Uncategorized > Loreto Will Host Th Grand Final Of The Fishing In The Five Series

The Fishing In The Five fishing series is a tournament from last year that seeks to be repeated year after year, the intention is to make the population aware of responsible fishing throughout the territory of Baja California Sur, that is, in the 5 municipalities.

The final in Loreto

• There will be hundreds of thousands of pesos in prizes.
• With this tournament the 2022-2023 series of 65 tournaments in different BCS ports will close.


LORETO B.C.S.- It will be during the next month of June when the magical town of Loreto will host the grand finale of the fishing serial FISHING IN THE FIVE (in honor of Clicerio Mercado), organized by the BCS state government through the Fund for the Protection of Marine Resources (FONMAR) an event in which there will be hundreds of thousands of pesos in prizes and which is forecast to be one of the most relevant events in the world of sport fishing during 2023 in South California.


This was announced by Martín Inzunza, head of FONMAR, and Juan Javier García Davis, state coordinator of sport fishing tournaments, who pointed out that this tournament will close the 2022-2023 serial, which on this occasion will add 65 events in the 5 municipalities.

They indicated that from January to June of this year, 32 of those 65 tournaments that make up the FISHING IN THE FIVE serial will still be taking place, so a great dose of excitement and fight for the first places in the first semester of this year is guaranteed. this new year.

Loreto ready for the final torunament.

They also commented that the intention of Governor Professor Víctor Manuel Castro Cosío is for Loreto to host the grand finale and to continue showing its great organizational capacity and excellent hospitality for those who year after year enjoy sport fishing in this area.

Finally, they highlighted that in the coming weeks the first meetings with the municipal government of Loreto, headed by Mayor Paola Cota Davis, will be taking place to begin preparations for this great event.

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